Private Fall: Aisle Seat

Lazy-crusty collage by Klein Fiasco

“The points of disjunction on the body without organs form circles that converge on the desiring machines; then the subject-produced as a residuum alongside the machine, as an appendix, or as a spare part adjacent to the machine – passes through all the degrees of the circle, and passes from one circle to another.  This subject itself is not at the center, which is occupied by the machine, but on the periphery, with no fixed identity, forever decentered, defined by the states through which it passes.”  Anti-Oedipus, Deleuze & Guattari
This is a literalized vertical trip of transcendence by way of an airplane.  The narrowness of the tube is thought to be a higher state of consciousness because of its confining condition.  But in fact, one is sitting in the aisle seat of consciousness.  Going up and up into a final descent.  The in-flight movie (the outsourced fantasy of the poor deranged narrator) is an impossible film.  Something that could never be filmed with any success.  A spectacle-ization of transcendental aspirations gone awry.  Bent by paranoia.  Surveillance fears of body becoming terrain. Sleepwalking-though-life anxieties that wander into the delusions of desire as the root of consciousness.  Always chasing some beetle. 

Klein Fiasco

“While supplies last” grab a print copy of Private Fall for your library collection on Amazon. Also visit the Rubber Dream Trampoline store by clicking the menu button and selecting the store to check out photo books by Klein Fiasco.