Private Fall: Flea Brain

Flea Brain Linocut by Klein Fiasco

Like talking to animals in baby voices, the asinine side of identity (as with embarrassing talk that ascribes traits as inherent qualities) or in this case becoming-feline is explored as an alternate path to the one presented in the first part of the Private Fall duet.  Other than being a flea brain in a cat’s body or having a flea brain in a man’s body, Schitzolini drives humorously toward something else in this piece that responds to the inane human obsession with over-identification as a way to ensconce the flea-brained mind and prevent it from entertaining complex thought.  As Aldous Huxley put it in The Devils of Loudon, “From insulated selfhood there are many ways of escape into a larval condition of subhumanity.  This state partakes of Nothingness…But for many persons, absolute Nothingness is not enough.  What they want is a Nothing with negative qualities, a Nonentity that stinks and is hideous…precisely Nothingness-with-a-vengeance.”

Klein Fiasco

Enjoying Rubber Dream Trampoline? For the text of this story or to show your support for Hieronymus Schitzolini visit Amazon (click the link below) to purchase a paperback copy of this story and three others in the collection Private Fall. Also visit the Rubber Dream Trampoline store by clicking the menu button and selecting the store to check out photo books by Klein Fiasco.